App With Kiss Apps

Ultimate Tip Calculator: Tip & Split and much more 1.3.2271
App With Kiss
Ultimate Tip Calculator is a polished app that has everythingyouneed to Tip and Split well. It's a complete, fast, and handytoolthat will once and for all solve the problem of tipping ineverydaylife, also when traveling abroad. Very useful when you aregoingout to dinner, have a date or just go out with friends.Thecomplete worldwide tipping guide makes it a must havetravelcompanion and the currency converter always shows the realcost ofthe tip and service in your national currency. KEYFEATURES• Real-time Calculations – Calculations are performedinstantly,without additional confirmations. • Smart Design – Theorder of thefields guides you step by step through the entireprocess oftipping in an intuitive way without unnecessary taps.• TAXExclusion – The tip can be calculated on pre- or post-taxvalue.• Advanced Check-splitting – Split the bill equally,proportionallyor items on the receipt can be assigned individuallyusing drag& drop. • Flexible Tip Rate – Enter your own tip rateand valueor choose one of the suggested ones. • CustomizableRounding – It'stotally up to you if and what you want to round: tipamount, totalbill with tip, person share. Select a suggested value,set ityourself, or simply round up or down with one tap. You canevencreate your own rounding rules! • Change Return – Calculateandcontrol an individual return of the change for each person.• Share– Check a summary of all calculations and send it to yourfriends,along with information about their shares, payments, anddebts.• Statistics – Archive bills and check weekly and monthlysummariesof expenses and tips. • Photo Archiving – Take a photo ofthereceipt and save it with your calculations for futureuse.• Artificial Intelligence – Automatic reading of values fromphotosof receipts. • Fully Customizable – Personalize everything.Setdefault and predefined tip and tax rates, currencies,roundingrules, color themes, screen layout, and more. • Anti-fraudRounding– Thanks to this smart rounding, you can detect a potentialfraudon your bank statement and check if the amount has beencorrectlycharged. • Dark Mode – Using a dark interface with ahighercontrast makes the app readable even in dark restaurants andpubs.• Worldwide Tipping Guide – It covers over 240 countriesandterritories. Some tipping customs may surprise youentirely!• Currency Converter – The app includes an instantcurrencyconversion tool that converts your current currency intoyour homecurrency in real time. It includes not only the mostpopularcurrencies (e.g. dollar, pound, franc, euro, yen, yuan), butalsothe most exotic (over 160 currencies). • Offline Mode – Theappworks perfectly without an Internet connection, so you can useitliterally anywhere in the world. • User-friendly Interface –Thedigits on the screen are large and legible, the colors havebeenselected in accordance with the recommended standards.Theinterface is intuitive, all tasks can be completed with aminimumnumber of taps. • Security - The app does not collect anypersonaldata. We request for the minimum necessarypermissions.• Accessibility – The app works flawlessly with LargerText. Visualelements can be scaled to make optimal use of thescreen surface.You can even adjust the position of the keypad tomake it easier touse with one hand. • Free Trial – Download theapp, use the basicfunctions for free indefinitely, and check allthe advanced ones inthe free, time-limited trial.
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App With Kiss
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